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My Invention
Where's Heaven?
It's in the 'Vacuum'. (cf. my Claim 3)
God is the 'Vacuum' itself where there's no ego or self.
As mind emanates undulation,
retaining ego, greed and self-concsiousness is tantamount to
emitting the same kind of undulational energy in resonance
which are not of Divine quality,
rather of the quality in the direct opposition
where there's more energy with gravitized mass and gravitational energy acts on.
Even when we are full of energy,
the energy we undulate must be of the pure and selfless kind
whose undulational energy embodied on every particle of our quantums are much lighter, also making it lighter in its total mass, and harmonized with nature,
as they are in resonace with and therefore,
of the qualities of refined, less and natural (more efficient) energy.
The more we get rid of all such secular palatabilities and gravitized qualities induced therefrom, the closer we get to the realm of God in terms of energy.
And when we clear off and use up all our individual energy,
including those afloat in the air which once parted from our bodies
and gather again through their undulation and gravitation as we reincarnate in any mother base that serves as a parabolic antenna,
we identify ourselves with God which is in the state of 'Vacuum'.
There's no time flow in the vacuum, therefore it's eternal.
That's what we call 'Heaven' where we reach after we clear off all of our 'karma' accumulated in our respective past and attain the state of God,
by successfully getting rid of any quantum mass and energy with any features of ego, greed or self-consciousness from ourselves.
God wasn't any specific existance, but it's rather the backgroud to sustain ourselves which is everywhere and is the true nature of ourselves as He states.
【Literatures as evidence searched after developing my logic above】
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