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My Invention
1.Idea for Anti-Cancer Therapy
As there are mRNA contained in 'exosome' secreted from cancer cells, there can be 'Anti-Cancer Therapy (drug) ' by making use of 'de-adenylase' which is the poly A chain degrading enzyme.
On the other hand, the cancer cells could be destroyed by ubiquilation and proteasome.
( Conceived and uploaded on June 30, 2020.
Currently accepting the license-agreement contract on this idea & know-how.
However, provided that it is not for the purpose of making any profit and that
there are obvious emergency and necessity for life-saving purposes, it's permitted to use this idea.)
2.Idea for Anti-Virus Therapy
The idea for 'Anti-Virus Therapy (drug)' based on the nature of polyadenylation of the gene terminal that in the case of viruses, RNA decomposes, contrary to that of humans.
( Conceived on Apr. 28, 2020. Uploaded on June 30, 2020.
Currently accepting the license-agreement contract on this idea & know-how. )
3 . Knowledge for Anti-HIV Therapy
CXCR4 (C-X-C chemokine receptor-4)is one of the proteins on the surface of CD4 positive T cells, especially naive T cells. It was found to be the chemokine receptor for the chemokine called SDF-1 which is created by supporting cells that exist between cells. It is one of G protein-coupled receptors. When HIV which has T cell tropic combines with CXCR4, the membranes fuse with each other and HIV enters the cells, suggesting if this process could be blocked, it would possibly be the therapeutic medicine.
CXCL12 SDF-1(Stromal Derived Factor) is the low weight molecular protein of 89 amino acid and is one of the member of chemokine CXC family. CXCL12 is a powerful chemoattractant of lymphocites and it replenishes lymphocites to neovasculatures, relating to neovasculatures of biological bodies of both fetuses and adults. As the natural ligands of CXCL4 receptor, it inhibits HIV1 anb HIV2 to bind to receptors . It also inhibits the formation of bones by osteoclasts, assuming a role in bone formation.
(Uploaded on Aug.8, 2020. Transcribed from the information searched on the Internet.)
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