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My Invention
Dimensions to Solve the Proposition of Metaphysics
When light reflects upon a mirror, there appears the reflection of the space adjacent to the mirror.
That makes the optical image double the original volume.
Likewise, as the number of mirror on different surface of the volume increases, the number of the reflection increases as well, multiplying the volume of the original image.
This phenomenon could be interpreted to be the optical dimension.
As described in my specification, its mechanism is that the linear light reflected upon the surface of the mirror changes its direction of progress, creating another dimension as it collides with the light proceeding in its original direction. And it could be perceived as the image of wherever it passed through, and thus, any objects that the light has been reflected upon appears on the two-dimensional surface of the mirror. Additionally, the image doesn't show in the mirror unless the mirror is directed towards the image. (the last sentence added on Aug.2023)
In the same manner, the three-dimensional space on the surface of the earth where there are objects within time, and where molecular particles reflect upon, must be the image of the principles of nature and our thoughts which belong to higher dimensions in their molecular aspects, having become perceivable by the travel of whatever molecules that has reached there and project whatever they have encountered, namely those principles and thoughts, which we select. (the last phrase added on Aug.2,2023)
They all must exist with entities just as there definitely are objects in three-dimensional space. Any objects must have been first reflected upon upper-dimensional molecules of any particular principles or thoughts, and then projected toward our three-dimensional space.
But both in mirrors and three-dimensional space, only a phase of the whole entity appear. And higher in dimension, more in a full image and substantial the entity must be, apart from whether it is perceivable by human senses.
Most of all, it would be possible to choose where from one gets projected by making good use of the phenomenon of resonance. For, in higher dimensions, distance and time gain and swirl, even enabling to reach somewhere in the past with the same undulation of energy. And by this phenomenon of resonance, in other words, by prayer, we could even control the nature and mass of the entity in higher dimensions which projects upon us. And from the principle of the conservation of energy,
the limited amount of molecules in higher dimensions would assemble to form more condensed mass of certain energy of whatever principles and thoughts we have, as it gains in its duration of time. Therefore, it follows that we must think good, do good and concentrate on good principles and thoughts when we make prayer, so as to make our world happy and cozy.
Feb. 13, 2021
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